Rama and I visited Rushil, Radhika, and Sas in Baton Rouge during Thanksgiving holidays (11/22 through 11/25). Had tons of fun (esp. w/Rushil) and shopped a little bit on Black Friday. This was my first non work-related visit to LA in about 4 years, and we met Rushil for the first time. Also, it had been a while since we met Sas and Radhika last time (in 2001?) when they came to Austin to watch Mexican free-tailed bats in flight (sorry Sas, felt compelled to mention this!). Here are a couple more pictures taken in Baton Rouge.
Sas and Rushil

Had to take this pic. just for the caption: Sassosaurus at Toys"R"us! It is Radhika by his side.

cool Mayya!. Was very nice to see you after sooooo looooong. Radhika and I were very happy to have you and Rama for the holidays (One more day with us would have been awesome). We thought it was pretty relaxing......and then, your idea of bogging the visit is pretty neat, I thought.
luv ya gus
Radhika, Rushil, and Sas
Sas, Pleasure was ours! Hope to see you during Christmas in Austin. It was a nice break, as I was bogged down in work w/o vacation for a long time:-)
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