Conversation between Mrs. Fenty (religious) and Ben (a drunkard)
Mrs. Fenty: You should read the Bible, Mr. Rumson.
Ben Rumson: I have read the Bible, Mrs. Fenty.
Mrs. Fenty: Didn't that discourage you about drinking?
Ben Rumson: No, but it sure killed my appetite for readin'!
Pardner: Ben, how's married life?
Ben Rumson: Pardner, it was so good that I forgot that I was married.
Horton: Mr. Rumson, I swore I wouldn't tell anyone. I hope that means except my father and mother.While a Parson was chiding the citizens of No Name City for their vices:
Ben Rumson: That means especially your father and mother.
Horton: But I've never kept anything from them before.
Ben Rumson: Well, it's time you started. Because when you do, a whole new world opens up.
Parson: Ye godless jaspers! Who are ya? Freemasons? Rosicrucians? Heathen emissaries from the depths of Babylon? Boozers! Gluttons! Gamblers! Fornicators!Finally, the lyrics of the song, the first thing you know (liked the pun with "arson"):
Steve Bull: Whassa fornicator?
Haywood Holbrook: I dunno. I ain't a religious man.
God made the mountains
God made the sky
God made the people
God knows why
He fixed up the planet
As best as He could
Then in come the people
And gum it up good
The first thing you know
They civilized the foothills
And every weary put hills
The mountains and valley below
They come along and take 'em
And civilize and make 'em
A place where no civilized
Person would go
The first thing you know
The first thing you know
They civilize what's pretty
By puttin' up a city
Where nothin' that's
Pretty can grow
They muddy up the winter
And civilize it, into a place
Too uncivilized
Even for snow
The first thing you know
They civilize left
They civilize right
Till nothing is left
Till nothing is right
They civilize freedom
Till no one is free
No one except
By coincidence, me
The first thing you know
The boozer's in prison
And the criminally isn't
And only the rascals have gone
When I see a parson
I gotta put my arson in
A wagon that follows the tail of a crow
The first thing you know
I pick up a growl
The first thing you know
1 comment:
That first one reminded me of Groucho Marx's quote:
From the moment I picked up your book until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it.
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