Monday, April 16, 2007

Virginia Tech Shooting

University of Texas (Austin) Tower shooting on August 1, 1966 unfortunately is no longer the deadliest campus shooting (15 killed) in the US history. Today, as of now, at least 33 people were killed in shooting at Virginia Tech.

Guns have become a necessary evil in the society. I used to think that all guns must be banned. Now, even though I favor gun control, I no longer think that the government has a right restrict the citizens from carrying guns.

The Second Amendment to the US constitution reads "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." It makes sense to me now. If not for this, physically strong can always control physically weak, unfairly.

Even though I don't oppose to people owning guns, it is kind of scary to know that as of 1993/1994, an estimated 59 million American adults possessed guns. Owning a gun is a pretty common thing in Texas. In my office, I am sure that I am one of the very few who don't own a gun. I wonder if I should let go off my reluctance and pledge my allegiance to Smith & Wesson.

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