Tuesday, December 5, 2006

There is Always a Good Side

This Post is dedicated to my niece Swati, who is attempting (and is all set) to enter the real world, and is destined reach great new heights that she is perfectly capable of. Recently, she made it into the top 10 (after written, group discussion, and interview) of a multi-national consulting firm's examination, from a large pool of well-qualified candidates. She is not working for that company now, as the stars weren't aligned - I feel bad; I really feel bad for the company on missing out an excellent opportunity!
Everything depends on the way you look at things.
View every problem you encounter as an opportunity.
There is always a good side to every situation.

The optimist sees an opportunity in every misfortune.
The pessimist sees misfortune in every opportunity.
The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole.

You can develop success from every failure.
Discouragement and failure are two stepping stones to success.
No other elements can do so much for you
if you're willing to study them and make them work for you.

When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.
Source: Jon Stigliano, who provided training on management and transactional analysis to a group of us in my previous job.

1 comment:

Sas said...

Which reminds me of Sri Chitatmananda of Chinmaya Mission. He said: " One has to do their duty without thinking about the results. According to him, doing your duty is the Dharma of your existence. Now the result may be based on your past karmas. He said that if the result is bad, then one bad karma is being eliminated from your databank of past karmas. He also said that god places your karmas in such a way that good karmas and bad karmas are mixed and hence that feeling of joy and sorrow, success and failure, excitement and agony, happiness and pain, and so on and so forth. No wonder life is a roller coaster.

All this while we have to continue to do our duty with total dedication, involvement and concentration. We put in our efforts as we are supposed to in which ever role we don, and the rest will be handled by god. Continue to do this and all your bad karmas will be gradually be eliminated and one will come to a stage when you will be the one with god....

This was just a thought that hit me and I thought I would share with you. And Mayya, thanks to your blogs, I am ending up thinking a lot more and expressing myself as reponses to your thoughts. Hmmmmmm......