Caricature Source: Austin American Statesman
Texas State Board of Education is considering teaching school kids the strengths and weaknesses of the theory of evolution. Science educators argue that teaching of weaknesses implies the support of intelligent design, and hence weaknesses should not be included in the text books.
I say, if there is a potential for weakness, teach it, along with the weakness of intelligent design argument. Failure of evolution theory should in no way be construed as validation of intelligent design hypothesis. If someone is not a Democrat, we don't conclude that he (or she) is a Republican; do we? He could be an independent, or someone who doesn't give a hoot about politics. Intelligent design should be proven based solely on its own merit. We probably are missing key facts that support both arguments.
May be we came into being due to intelligent design and evolution. May be a higher power created conditions conducive for evolution, and soon fish became monkeys and monkeys became humans. Who knows? But we shouldn't lie to the posterity on what we do know. I mean, not saying anything when we know something, would be a lie. We shouldn't suppress the truth due to the fear of its misinterpretation - my 2¢.
Thanks, Gopa; these things can be argued for ever w/o any resolution because the Old Man Formless has decided to hide Himself :-)
However, please take a look at The Incredible Design of the Earth and Our Solar System.
Thanks Raama. I do remember reading this article and blogging on it. Please see here.
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