According to some, the world will end by December 21, 2012. Others say that the western civilization will collapse around 2012. One of the bases for this argument is, the Mayan calendar ends in year 2012 (or in early 2013, depending on who we talk to), after about 5,125 years from its beginning. The proponents of Doomsday prophecy argue that Mayans had a reason to end their calendar in year 2012.
I agree that there will be judgment day towards the end of 2012 in the US - it is called the election day! The people will vote (judge political candidates) on the first Tuesday following the first Monday of November 2012 (the earliest possible date is Nov. 2nd and the latest possible date is Nov. 8th).
My gut feeling is, 2012 will be just another year, with normal up, downs, and surprises. The other differences I can think of are, it is going to be a leap year (of course) and the year of Summer Olympics (in London)! That's all.
My reasons for disbelief in doomsday predictions are simple. First of all, many similar predictions in the past just didn't happen. Secondly, Mayan civilization pretty much collapsed about a thousand years ago, and there is no sign that Mayans foresaw their impending doom. How can we believe long-term predictions of the folks who apparently failed to see their imminent demise? Do we take bicycle riding lessons from someone who keeps falling from the bicycle right in front of our eyes?