I find it amusing to note the distinct difference between commercials made for low-cost brands, and those that are made for the rich. Based on my observation, here is my hypothesis.
In general, cost of a product is inversely proportional to the size of fashion model's smile.So, we should expect to see big smiles on faces of the folks who model for cheap products, and vice versa.
The reason for this difference in my opinion is, the rich folks (generally speaking) try to distinguish themselves from the common folks, even if it doesn't really do them any good. They don't want to display their emotional outbursts like a regular Joe, and display their spontaneity in the face of adversity, like animals. They train themselves to be stoic.
Why? Because, they achieved their position by applying superior strength and foresight. They don't want to be seen as someone who failed to anticipate things and got caught unguarded. Also, certainly they don't want to drive the same car as their plumber or the house maid.
So, these folks don't get attracted if a fashion model shows her (his) teeth like a monkey. Reminds me of Dwight's quote in the Office.
They (rich, so called aficionados of art) prefer to see an enigmatic expression on the model's face. If there is a smile, it should be no bigger than that of Mona Lisa's. Compare this smile to the typical genuine ear-to-ear smile of a used Chevy salesman!I never smile if I can help it. Showing one's teeth is a submission signal in primates. When someone smiles at me, all I see is a chimpanzee begging for its life.
Ha, ha; too good, Gopa. Thank you.
Just finished watching Planes, Trains, and Automobiles and the main characters exhibit similar characteristics. Steve Martin, with the Piaget, is stuck up while John Candy, with the Casio and no home, is ever-ready to smile, even when his rented car is burning down!
Anyway, i believe that a constant cheerfulness is the true measure of a spiritual life.
Thanks Raama. Yes, no matter how high one goes, it would be inconsequential if there is no cheer involved in the process.
So what do we say about our Beloved G.W. Bush ?!? with his contageous smile.....
Sas, in his case, 1/smile = IQ?
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