After being the richest person in the world for 13 years, Bill Gates slipped to the third spot in the list of world's richest.

Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary. -Reinhold Niebuhr
Thought it was quite sensational, Gopa. Thanks for blogging this.
If you use the octal system, we are like 50% [4 out of the first 8] ;-)
Guess India has finally arrived at the party; quite late, but as Burt Reynolds says in some movie: "That's what my girlfriend likes about me; I always come late"!
Jokes apart, i think this is just the precursor to Bejan Daruwalla's pred'n that the 21st century belongs to India.
Thanks Raama! I hope that Mr. Daruwalla was sober when he made the prediction, and that he is right:-) Not sure if rich getting richer is a definite indication of progress. It sure is comforting to notice that our average seem to be getting richer.
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