Saturday, April 10, 2010

Vitamin M

Our trip to Marfa area during Christmas of 2009 prompted me to watch the movie Giant, which was shot in that area. Though the movie is long, I liked it; I enjoy movies that span over a few decades (a generation) of character's life.  

A dialogue from this movie:

Leslie Benedict: Money isn't everything, Jett. 
Jett Rink: Not when you've got it. 

I thought "well said Jett".  We keep saying and hearing "money isn't everything".  I agree with this in the sense that we shouldn't go loco over earning it, and we (definitely) should share it.

We (me, and anyone who has enough resource to access this text) are very fortunate that we have roofs over our heads and sufficient resources to meet the basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, and water).  But there are millions in this world who are not as fortunate.

To a mom who couldn't feed her child for two days for not having even $1, try telling "money isn't everything".

I say, earn money without getting attached to it, try depending on it less and less, try sharing it more and more (to the most needy), and ALWAYS, count your blessings.

Donate to charities with low overhead expenses like Churches, Temples, and Mosques.  My favorite charity is American Red Cross.